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Expert Advisor will allow you to forecast the specific dates for the Timing Bands.

To forecast the time periods for future tops and bottoms, you can use the Timing Bands to visually show the time periods on the chart. However, you also have the option to use the Expert Advisor, which will give you the exact dates of the beginning and ending of each of the Timing Bands.

To use the Expert Advisor, have the TBand indicator on the chart with the required Inputs specified. With the TBand indicator on the chart and the Inputs specified, follow the steps below.

  1. Right click on an open space in the price data chart and choose "Expert Advisor".
  2. The, choose "Attach"
  3. Then, choose the appropriate commentary.
  4. Next, right click in the Price Data Window again, and choose "Expert Advisor". This time, choose "Commentary", and a Window will pop up called "Commentary Window", with an icon of a box. Double click on the icon and the "Expert Commentary" text will come up projecting the beginning and ending dates/times for the cycle Timing Band.
  5. Repeat the process for each of the other Timing Bands, recording them in a notebook as the Commentary text is erased when the next Commentary comes up.


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