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.New Bressert Cycle Trader
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BressertCycleTrader / BressertCycleTradingPatterns --- This new product provides what we believe are the best indicators to show clear Buy and Sell trading signals. It is simple to use. Even a beginner can use it without completely understanding the concept of cycles.

Trading coaches and other professionals use BressertCycleTradingPatterns to demonstrate how to use the BCT for short term trades.

Walter Bressert’s Bressert Cycle Trader [BCT] / BressertCycleTradingPatterns [BCTP] is available in monthly subscription packages. With it comes training material to show how this methodology can be used to maximize your profits. All updates and newer training material, as they are developed, will be supplied with the subscriptions.

Depending on the market conditions you can use this methodology for multiple trades with longer term results. The BCT includes a uniquely developed Trend Momentum Indicator [TMI] that helps users identify trending markets and is recommended to be used in conjunction with the cycle based indicators.

The latest version update adds in GetReadyDots text alerts.

This product has been released for TradeStation 8.2 or higher.

We are working on adding in a strategy for those who want to automate trading.

The next Bressert Cycle Trader™ / BressertCycleTradingPatterns™ platform is currently being developed for the eSignal.

To see a short video of this product : Short Video Demo

To purchase a Bressert Cycle Trader subscription go to SUBSCRIBE


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