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Walter Bressert's Purchasing Store

for Products used on the TradeStation platform

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Products for the TradeStation Platform
Profit Trader 7.0 (This product contains Walter's patented and copyrighted oscillators which include the famous Double Stochastic and BLine oscillators. There are over a dozen Buy and Sell signal indicators, multiple Trailing Stops indicators, HAL overbought and oversold indicators and Time Forecasting indicators to show cycle lengths, and prediction of tops and bottoms. There are also Price and Time forecasting using Fibonacci algorithms, De-Trend and Trend indicators and the unique %Diff indicators. There is also Walter's Cycle Top and Bottom ID indicators in combination with the %A {for Accuracy}indicators allowing you to view historical cycle tops and bottoms in price, plus see how cycle tops and bottoms occur at oscillator turning points. With these indicators you can better see how the ProfitTrader Buy/Sell Signals occur at cycle tops and bottoms and deteremine your odds of making money in any market, any time frame.) * 30 day Money Back Guarantee [MBG] see below  
  • Profit Trader 7.0 for TradeStation version 8.2 or higher
$ 699
  • Profit Trader 7.0 for TradeStation version 2000i
    (We do not provide or support TS2000i with Customer Number = 1)
$ 699
Add-On Profit Trader 7.0 indicators and strategy (Must have ProfitTrader 7.0 installed) These are a set of older "ADD-ON" programs which can be used with an installed ProfitTrader 7.0.The following 3 products are non-refundable.  
  • Gap Trader indicator (Walter designed this indicator to give specific information about opening gaps. Especially beneficial to intra-day traders to determine when and if the gap will be filled in early trading sessions.) Every day futures and stock markets open above or below the previous day's close to generate gaps. The Gap indicator gives you specific information about opening gaps and help you make trading decisions on how to evaluate and trade the gap. This information is especially beneficial to intraday traders looking to determine when and if the gap will be filled early in the trading session.The Gap fill and timing information can also be helpful to longer-term traders using daily and weekly charts, This product is non-refundable
$ 99
  • Swing Trades indicator (This indicator provides early entry Swing Buy and / or Swing Sell signals based on cycle bottoms and cycle tops) Generate low risk, high probability trades at cycle bottoms & cycle tops. This will greatly improve your ability to recognize and trade cycle tops and bottoms. This product is non-refundable
$ 99
  • Double Top and Bottom strategy (NOT AN INDICATOR, BUT A STRATEGY! Using the TradeStation strategy functions, which is an automated program to buy and sell trades that have had identified a double top or a double bottom signal. This program strategy generates trading signals with protective stops and calculates price objectives which are often met in the initial move beyond the fulcrum point.) This strategy identifies double tops and double bottoms as they occur, generates trading signals with protective stops, and also generates frequently met price objectives. The entry signal is automatically followed with Trailing Stops. This product is non-refundable
$ 99
    • Purchase the above set of 3 Add-On programs for a group price of: (non-refundable)
$ 250
Stand Alone or Independant Indicators (Does not require a Profit Trader installation)  
  • Floor Trader Pivots (This produces another set of support and resistance lines. These pivot levels are widely watched support and resistance lines that are based on several formulas. The trading floor using these to provide information of the previous days levels to provide not only Buy and Sell signals, but to determine entry and exit prices and possible breakout conditons.)
    * 30 day Money Back Guarantee [MBG] see below
$ 99
  • FibT123 indicator (This produces Fibonacci based T123 supoport and resistance level lines. These Fibonacci based levels will help define price boundaries to improve and identify high probability trades) * 30 day Money Back Guarantee [MBG] see below
$ 99

A 30-day money back guarantee applies to all first-time full price orders. If at the end of 30 days if you wish to cancel, your purchase price will be refunded minus a 10% refund fee to cover the merchant account discount rate. If you have purchased and returned software previously, our MBG does not apply. Also, the MBG does not apply to Savings Specials. If you wish to purchase softtware with the money back guarantee, the full prices applies.

All software purchases are in download format. After completing a purchase, you will then receive an email with a Link to download your software purchase.

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There is a risk of loss in trading futures.

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