The trend for the time frame you trade (daily or intra-day) is determined by the dominant cycle in the next longer time frame (weekly or intra-day). Walter's EMA Trend Indicator allows you to see the development of the trend on the chart you are trading with characteristics for fast trending markets, trading range markets and signals for the beginning and ending of trends. It also allows you to identify the highest probability trading signals to trade in the direction of trend. You will learn how to identify the trend and the highest probability buy/sell signals to trade in the direction of the trend.

In this educational session published to the website on 1/22/99, you will hear Walter analyze the S&P500 Index, TBonds, Silver and Gold charts with cycles and his proprietary market indicators as he explains his forecasts the markets for the coming days, weeks and months. The market analysis in this session was Walter's opinion on the 1/22/99.

Audio Commentary
An audio file is attached to each of the following pages. A RealAudio Player is required to hear the audio commentary. If you do not have RealAudio, you can download it for FREE from the RealAudio link below. Or if you prefer, just read the written commentary that appears under the charts (although there is much more information in the audio than in the text).


To Begin
To begin, click on the Lesson link that appears below. If you want to bypass the lesson and go directly to the markets, click on the appropriate link.


Lesson: EMA Trend Indicator




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Copyright © 1998, 2004 Walter Bressert, Inc. All Rights Reserved.




To listen to the audio commentary of the seminar, the Real Audio RealPlayer G2 is necessary. You can download the RealPlayer G2 for FREE at www.realaudio.com. Make sure you have the system requirements to run the Real Audio Player. A more powerful version that includes support is also available for $29.95.

Trouble Shooting (after the Player has been installed)
Player doesn't download when you click on "Audio" - This can be a problem with our server, your connection to the internet, your computer, or any combination of the above. You can shut down, and try again; or, wait 15 minutes and try again. We have noticed that sometimes everything works perfectly, and on other occasions, it works in slow motion.

"Garbled" talk - Because this is not a "perfect" technology, you may experience garbled "talk" from time to time. Luckily, this is usually easy to fix. Simply hit "pause", and then "play". This usually works. If not, shut down and try again. If this doesn't work, go the RealAudio support page for help.

It looks like it is playing, but I don't get sound - Check to see if your speaker volume is turned up. Are your speakers plugged in?

All the charts don't load - Our solution to this is simply to shut down and try again.

"The sound is intermittent -- on and off -- and I get cut off after a minute or so." - Sometimes with this problem, you will also get a "net congestion" message. The problem is your ISP does not have enough bandwidth. Again, there is a simple solution. Switch ISPs. PC magazine recommends AT&T Worldnet's performance (800/967-5363) as "outstanding". IBM (800/821-4612) is also rated as "outstanding". IBM, however, does not offer unlimited access whereas AT&T does.

Please let us know if you are experiencing difficulty -- what you did; what happened.

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