Walter Bressert's ProfitTrader for eSignal
Bressert's ProfitTrader
ProfitTrader is powered by the eSignal, TradeStation, and MetaStock charting software. This presentation is for ProfitTrader for eSignal. Not a system, ProfitTrader is an applied methodology to buy bottoms & sell tops, determine trend and trend reversals that works in any market, any time frame. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: A 30-day money back guarantee applies to ProfitTrader first-time orders. If at the end of 30 days you decide ProfitTrader cannot help you make money, and you wish to cancel, your purchase price will be refunded minus a 10% refund fee to cover our merchant account discount rate. The MBG does NOT apply on discounted specials unless so noted. |
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There is a risk of loss in trading futures.
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