

About Nancy Frank

Nancy Frank started in the investment business in 1984 as a mutual fund broker.  Eventually she went on to be a stockbroker for a small IPO firm in New York.  After the crash of 1987, Nancy went to work as a runner on the NYMEX at the World Trade Center in the crude oil pits.  She gained a reputation as an analyst for her intraday charting of various markets for local traders.  Hand charting Steidlmayer’s bell curve, point & figure charts and incorporating Gann techniques on interval bar charts. 

In 1990, Nancy left the NYMEX to start a family.  She continued her studies in commodities, with an at-home study course offered by Walter Bressert.   This course was an intense study of cycle analysis through a series of charts, books, tapes and one-on-one training sessions over the phone with Walter.  As Walter developed his ProfitTrader cycle software, Nancy worked with him to teach ProfitTrader to new users. 

Throughout the late nineties and the millennium, Nancy worked as an independent trader, trading her personal account while raising her family.  Nancy incorporates many lessons and discipline’s she has gained throughout the years from a variety seminar’s, books and lecture’s she has attended.  Her favorite tool is and always has been ProfitTrader and the invaluable insight she gained while training with Walter Bressert.



Nancy Frank